Source code for SQcircuit.elements

""" contains the classes for the circuit elements:
capacitors, inductors, and josephson junctions.

from typing import List, Any, Optional, Union, Callable

import numpy as np

from scipy.special import kn

import SQcircuit.units as unt

[docs]class Capacitor: """ Class that contains the capacitor properties. Parameters ---------- value: The value of the capacitor. unit: The unit of input value. If ``unit`` is "THz", "GHz", and ,etc., the value specifies the charging energy of the capacitor. If ``unit`` is "fF", "pF", and ,etc., the value specifies the capacitance in farad. If ``unit`` is ``None``, the default unit of capacitor is "GHz". Q: Quality factor of the dielectric of the capacitor which is one over tangent loss. It can be either a float number or a Python function of angular frequency. error: The error in fabrication as a percentage. id_str: ID string for the capacitor. """ def __init__( self, value: float, unit: Optional[str] = None, Q: Union[Any, Callable[[float], float]] = "default", error: float = 0, id_str: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if (unit not in unt.freq_list and unit not in unt.farad_list and unit is not None): error = "The input unit for the capacitor is not correct. " \ "Look at the documentation for the correct input format." raise ValueError(error) self.cValue = value self.error = error self.type = type(self) if unit is None: self.unit = unt.get_unit_cap() else: self.unit = unit if Q == "default": self.Q = lambda omega: 1e6 * ( 2 * np.pi * 6e9 / np.abs(omega)) ** 0.7 elif isinstance(Q, float) or isinstance(Q, int): self.Q = lambda omega: Q else: self.Q = Q if id_str is None: self.id_str = "C_{}_{}".format(value, self.unit) else: self.id_str = id_str
[docs] def value(self, random: bool = False) -> float: """ Return the value of the capacitor in farad units. If `random` is `True`, it samples from a normal distribution with variance defined by the fabrication error. Parameters ---------- random: A boolean flag which specifies whether the output is deterministic or random. """ if self.unit in unt.farad_list: cMean = self.cValue * unt.farad_list[self.unit] else: E_c = self.cValue * unt.freq_list[self.unit] * ( 2 * np.pi * unt.hbar) cMean = unt.e ** 2 / 2 / E_c if not random: return cMean else: return np.random.normal(cMean, cMean * self.error / 100, 1)[0]
[docs] def energy(self) -> float: """ Return the charging energy of the capacitor in frequency unit of SQcircuit (gigahertz by default). """ if self.unit in unt.freq_list: return self.cValue * unt.freq_list[ self.unit] / unt.get_unit_freq() else: c = self.cValue * unt.farad_list[self.unit] return unt.e ** 2 / 2 / c / ( 2 * np.pi * unt.hbar) / unt.get_unit_freq()
class VerySmallCap(Capacitor): def __init__(self): super().__init__(1e-20, "F", Q=None) class VeryLargeCap(Capacitor): def __init__(self): super().__init__(1e20, "F", Q=None)
[docs]class Inductor: """ Class that contains the inductor properties. Parameters ---------- value: The value of the inductor. unit: The unit of input value. If ``unit`` is "THz", "GHz", and ,etc., the value specifies the inductive energy of the inductor. If ``unit`` is "fH", "pH", and ,etc., the value specifies the inductance in henry. If ``unit`` is ``None``, the default unit of inductor is "GHz". loops: List of loops in which the inductor resides. cap: Capacitor associated to the inductor, necessary for correct time-dependent external fluxes scheme. Q: Quality factor of the inductor needed for inductive loss calculation. It can be either a float number or a Python function of angular frequency and temperature. error: The error in fabrication as a percentage. id_str: ID string for the inductor. """ def __init__( self, value: float, unit: str = None, cap: Optional["Capacitor"] = None, Q: Union[Any, Callable[[float, float], float]] = "default", error: float = 0, loops: Optional[List["Loop"]] = None, id_str: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: if (unit not in unt.freq_list and unit not in unt.henry_list and unit is not None): error = "The input unit for the inductor is not correct. " \ "Look at the documentation for the correct input format." raise ValueError(error) self.lValue = value self.error = error self.type = type(self) self.id_str = id_str if unit is None: self.unit = unt.get_unit_ind() else: self.unit = unit if cap is None: self.cap = VerySmallCap() else: self.cap = cap if loops is None: self.loops = [] else: self.loops = loops def qInd(omega, T): alpha = unt.hbar * 2 * np.pi * 0.5e9 / (2 * unt.k_B * T) beta = unt.hbar * omega / (2 * unt.k_B * T) return 500e6 * (kn(0, alpha) * np.sinh(alpha)) / ( kn(0, beta) * np.sinh(beta)) if Q == "default": self.Q = qInd elif isinstance(Q, float) or isinstance(Q, int): self.Q = lambda omega, T: Q else: self.Q = Q if id_str is None: self.id_str = "L_{}_{}".format(value, self.unit) else: self.id_str = id_str
[docs] def value(self, random: bool = False) -> float: """ Return the value of the inductor in henry units. If `random` is `True`, it samples from a normal distribution with variance defined by the fabrication error. Parameters ---------- random: A boolean flag which specifies whether the output is deterministic or random. """ if self.unit in unt.henry_list: lMean = self.lValue * unt.henry_list[self.unit] else: E_l = self.lValue * unt.freq_list[self.unit] * ( 2 * np.pi * unt.hbar) lMean = (unt.Phi0 / 2 / np.pi) ** 2 / E_l if not random: return lMean else: return np.random.normal(lMean, lMean * self.error / 100, 1)[0]
[docs] def energy(self) -> float: """ Return the inductive energy of the capacitor in frequency unit of SQcircuit (gigahertz by default). """ if self.unit in unt.freq_list: return self.lValue * unt.freq_list[ self.unit] / unt.get_unit_freq() else: l = self.lValue * unt.henry_list[self.unit] return (unt.Phi0 / 2 / np.pi) ** 2 / l / ( 2 * np.pi * unt.hbar) / unt.get_unit_freq()
[docs]class Junction: """ Class that contains the Josephson junction properties. Parameters ----------- value: The value of the Josephson junction. unit: str The unit of input value. The ``unit`` can be "THz", "GHz", and ,etc., that specifies the junction energy of the inductor. If ``unit`` is ``None``, the default unit of junction is "GHz". loops: List of loops in which the Josephson junction reside. cap: Capacitor associated to the josephson junction, necessary for the correct time-dependent external fluxes scheme. A: Normalized noise amplitude related to critical current noise. x: Quasiparticle density delta: Superconducting gap Y: Real part of admittance. error: The error in fabrication as a percentage. id_str: ID string for the junction. """ def __init__( self, value: float, unit: Optional[str] = None, cap: Optional[str] = None, A: float = 1e-7, x: float = 3e-06, delta: float = 3.4e-4, Y: Union[Any, Callable[[float, float], float]] = "default", error: float = 0, loops: Optional[List["Loop"]] = None, id_str: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if (unit not in unt.freq_list and unit is not None): error = "The input unit for the Josephson Junction is not " \ "correct. Look at the documentation for the correct " \ "input format." raise ValueError(error) self.jValue = value self.error = error self.type = type(self) self.A = A self.id_str = id_str if unit is None: self.unit = unt.get_unit_JJ() else: self.unit = unit if cap is None: self.cap = VerySmallCap() else: self.cap = cap if loops is None: self.loops = [] else: self.loops = loops def yQP(omega, T): alpha = unt.hbar * omega / (2 * unt.k_B * T) y = np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) * (8 / (delta * 1.6e-19) / ( unt.hbar * 2 * np.pi / unt.e ** 2)) \ * (2 * (delta * 1.6e-19) / unt.hbar / omega) ** 1.5 \ * x * np.sqrt(alpha) * kn(0, alpha) * np.sinh(alpha) return y if Y == "default": self.Y = yQP else: self.Y = Y if id_str is None: self.id_str = "JJ_{}_{}".format(value, self.unit) else: self.id_str = id_str
[docs] def value(self, random: bool = False) -> float: """ Return the value of the Josephson Junction in angular frequency. If `random` is `True`, it samples from a normal distribution with variance defined by the fabrication error. Parameters ---------- random: A boolean flag which specifies whether the output is deterministic or random. """ jMean = self.jValue * unt.freq_list[self.unit] * 2 * np.pi if not random: return jMean else: return np.random.normal(jMean, jMean * self.error / 100, 1)[0]
[docs]class Loop: """ Class that contains the inductive loop properties, closed path of inductive elements. Parameters ---------- value: Value of the external flux at the loop. A: Normalized noise amplitude related to flux noise. id_str: ID string for the loop. """ def __init__( self, value: float = 0, A: float = 1e-6, id_str: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: self.lpValue = value * 2 * np.pi self.A = A * 2 * np.pi # indices of inductive elements. self.indices = [] # k1 matrix related to this specific loop self.K1 = [] if id_str is None: self.id_str = "loop" else: self.id_str = id_str def reset(self) -> None: self.K1 = [] self.indices = []
[docs] def value(self, random: bool = False) -> float: """ Return the value of the external flux. If `random` is `True`, it samples from a normal distribution with variance defined by the flux noise amplitude. Parameters ---------- random: A boolean flag which specifies whether the output is deterministic or random. """ if not random: return self.lpValue else: return np.random.normal(self.lpValue, self.A, 1)[0]
[docs] def set_flux(self, value: float) -> None: """ Set the external flux associated to the loop. Parameters ---------- value: The external flux value """ self.lpValue = value * 2 * np.pi
def add_index(self, index): self.indices.append(index) def addK1(self, w): self.K1.append(w) def getP(self): K1 = np.array(self.K1) a = np.zeros_like(K1) select = np.sum(K1 != a, axis=0) != 0 # eliminate the zero columns K1 = K1[:, select] if K1.shape[0] == K1.shape[1]: K1 = K1[:, 0:-1] b = np.zeros((1, K1.shape[0])) b[0, 0] = 1 p = np.linalg.inv(np.concatenate((b, K1.T), axis=0)) @ b.T return p.T
class Charge: """ class that contains the charge island properties. """ def __init__(self, value: float = 0, A: float = 1e-4) -> None: """ inputs: -- value: The value of the offset. -- noise: The amplitude of the charge noise. """ self.chValue = value self.A = A def value(self, random: bool = False) -> float: """ returns the value of charge bias. If random flag is true, it samples from a normal distribution. inputs: -- random: A flag which specifies whether the output is picked deterministically or randomly. """ if not random: return self.chValue else: return np.random.normal(self.chValue, self.noise, 1)[0] def setOffset(self, value: float) -> None: self.chValue = value def setNoise(self, A: float) -> None: self.A = A